Course Bundle


These eight courses in positive psychology provide practical steps you can take to actualize your potential, increase your productivity, and enhance your overall sense of meaning and fulfillment in your work life.

Zone Positive offers eight courses which apply the proven principles of positive psychology to help you thrive in your work life.  Our courses are often taken to earn recertification credits in human resources, coaching and other fields.

Buy all 8 courses for the price of 7 courses ($273).  Each course includes a 15 minute video, a 30-page workbook and a group discussion guide.

  • Positive Relationships
  • Positive Emotions
  • Character Strengths
  • Motivation
  • Meaning and Purpose
  • Engagement
  • Resilience

Positive psychology is the science of what’s right in life. It is concerned with what makes life worth living, and helping us become more self-directed toward that end.   It provides the means for moving forward to a better place…. a more self-fulfilling and satisfying life.  

It is the science behind positive psychology that differentiates this field from the myriad of fads, unproven ideas and solutions—shelves of self-help books and web content — all promising the keys that will help you turn your life around.  

Much of this is often based on folk-wisdom or personal experiences. In the short period of 20 years since positive psychology took form (by Martin Seligman, president of the American Psychological Association at the time), hundreds of research studies have been conducted by leading psychologists around the world. 

This research has brought us closer to understanding how we can raise our level of well-being and the extensive benefits of doing so.  Studies show that people who are happy are more successful across wide-ranging domains including careers, romantic relationships, and health. Most importantly, this research provides the empirical evidence behind the claim that you can lead a happier life.

It is possible to move well into the “green zone”— to experience a flourishing life—if you have the wherewithal to embrace the positive approach.