Character Strengths


This course includes a 15 minute video, a 30-page workbook with 7 exercises, and a group discussion guide.

Zone Positive offers eight courses which apply the proven principles of positive psychology to help you thrive in your work life.  Our courses are often taken to earn recertification credits in human resources, coaching and other fields.

Many people can not answer the question, “what are my strengths”.  Becoming aware of your strengths and using them in your everyday life contributes to your overall  happiness.

 By exercising strengths, people are more likely to experience positive emotions, to engage in valued activities, to achieve a sense of meaning and purpose in life, and to build positive relationships with other people.  These experiences in turn lead to  a more productive, satisfying and flourishing life.    

Strengths are omnipresent in our lives. In fact, they are at the root of every thing we do.  And everyone’s portfolio of strengths is uniquely individual.  Strengths are a reflection of how much ability, courage, discipline, creativity, motivation, willpower, and hope that we have at our disposal.  They speak directly to our deepest values and potentialities in the world.  This lesson on Strengths will show you how to access and become aware of your own power.  And how to harness the true capabilities of those within your organization or team.  Accessing one’s strengths is equivalent to really taking the reins off a pony and letting it run.  By learning to draw upon our unique palate of strengths, we take a powerful step towards creating more harmonious, fulfilling, and productive lives.

Conventional wisdom has ingrained in us that the pathway to success entails shoring up our weaknesses.  We have been habituated in life to focus on what we do poorly, and to fix it.  However, as positive psychology shows us, this approach is far from optimal.  In fact, it can be counterproductive to putting our best selves out into the world and to truly flourishing in life.  The real pathway to success lies in drawing upon what we naturally do well.